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 Indian and Chinese version of Nepali  janabadi revolution and Madhesh
Yesterday,  I attended a discussion program organized by Madheshi Intellectuals and Professors Society. Presidents of madhesh centered parties were invited as the chief speakers. The topic of the meeting was Madheshi Mukti. Questions were put forth as to how  one should understand  the term Madheshi  Mukti in the present context.The question was left unanswered as no body had a definite answer.

Nepali politics is presently dominated by two schools of  thought regarding state restructuring.The idea of Madhesh province is also there but it is pushed to  the periphery . A large number of people like to believe that the idea of samagra madhesh , ek pradesh, the bed rock of federalist movement in Nepal,  has lost its force. However, that is mere an illusion. The movement of Broader Madheshi Front  around May 27, 2012 has shown that idea is still there with its full force and will remain there as long as the kathmandu with all  power in the valley is discriminatory and full of conspiracies for peiople at the margin.  The idea with force will keep cropping as and when needed.

However, the school led by NC and NCP -UML in the mainstream , want to build New Nepal on the same old foundation which was led by late king Prithvi Narayan Shah. The other dominant school  led by NCP - Maoists  intend to restructure Nepal as per the needs of Maobadi Janabadi Satta. Between the two schools of thought  Madhesh is standing presently.  The relationship with the two schools have kept changing and will keep changing.

The mainstream forces believe that Baburam Bhattarai is working towards  establishing janabadi satta. But that is not the whole truth. My observation is that Baburam  Bhattarai is working for accomplishing capitalist and Indian Version of Janabadi revolution and to make the peaceful bourgeoisdsie  revolution  and samyukta loktantrik madheshi morcha  in the cabinet  is guarding the change . SLMM  is there also to ensure that the change is orderly  and revolution is  peaceful, no matter, if it is not democratic and constitutional.

But would the revolution end here? I doubt after the Baidya faction  is splitted from the Maoists  and formed  a new party. It is widely believed that  Mohan Kiran Baidya is closer to China. So my argument is  that the day SLMM would decide not to be part and guard of the peaceful janabadi revolution, then Baburam ji will change  the bogey and join  Mohan Kiran Baidya party and half of the revolution will be completed then . That would be chinese version of Janabadi revolution. I do not know , where would  be Madhesh then and what would be the fate of the question of Madheshi Mukti?


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