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Words of Condolence on death of I.K. Gujral

                                                     Words of Condolence
The death of Former Prime minister of India is a great loss to all the nations and people of South Asia. He was a true democrat who believed in the values of civil rights and liberal values for peace, freedom and dignity of all  people and nations. As the Prime minister and foreign minister of India, he presented a distant vision of a United Nations of South Asians and to realize that in practice he adopted a range of foreign policies which was compassionate, understanding and respectful of the needs and concerns of other nations and people. He was one of the most sophisticated and finest minds of India with deep roots in the philosophy and thoughts of that idea of India, which is yet to be realized. And so in his dealings with other people and nations , he did not always put immediate interests of India at the helm of affairs. His vision will last even though he is no more. I have the opportunity to work with him in one of  the organizations of South Asians- SAHR. My heartfelt condolences to his family members and to all South Asians for the losses incurred by his death. May God rest his soul in  peace!


  1. I would like to extend my condolences. I can understand your frustrations and pains in your heart with this world and why we should have hope because I used to feel the same way. But keep in mind that God is always there to keep us going and He will never leave us especially in times like this.


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